Local Stories

Explore tales that enhance learning and cultural appreciation.

Saijah & Adinda

Quizz about the story of Saijah & Adinda

The Origin of Bosok Ship


The Origin of Bosok Ship


Generic Structure

Orientation : It is about the opening paragraph where the characters of the story are introduced.

(berisi pengenalan tokoh, tempat dan waktu terjadinya cerita (siapa atau apa, kapan dan dimana)

Complication : Where the problems in the story developed.

(Permasalahan muncul / mulai terjadi dan berkembang)

Resolution : Where the problems in the story is solved.

Masalah selesai, --- secara baik "happy ending" ataupun buruk "bad ending".

Nyi Mas Gamparan from Serang

Quizz about the story of Nyi Mas Gamparan from Serang